Thursday, December 9, 2010

Megaladon Shark

Hey guys look out for that shark!!!!!!  If you read the title you know what I'm blogging about.  A  Megaladon shark!!  People say it's fake but I believe this monster of the deepest sea's.  People keep making fake videos and fake photos.  There are only 2 things I know about it first thing I know about it it is the 2nd biggest shark in the world, and second if two megaladon sharks combined together it would equal the biggest shark in the world (The Whale Shark.)  What I'm trying to say is that two Megaladons would equal a Whale Shark.  This whole blog is trying to say if you see a Megaladon let me know, and that Megaladon Sharks are dangerous.  Well hope you like my blog exceptionally Dillon bye.


  1. There is not much cooler than a SHARK! Megaladon Sharks are extinct, so I don't think we will get to see one in our life time, but you never know. The experts believe they are extinct because sharks shed their teeth every year So, until someone produces a recently shed tooth - or better yet, a fresh carcass - it is probably best to consider Megalodon extinct. If I did see one though - I would hope I could swim FAST! Do you know their jaws are big enough to swallow a RHINO?

  2. I am extremely afraid of two animals: snakes and sharks! I would probably act like I was dead if I ever saw one of these creatures. Hopefully, the megaladon shark would swim away thinking I was already gone.

  3. hey Zach good blog i didn't know that tat shark was the 2nd biggest shark in the world.

  4. Zach it is real if you go to some museums. I've seen it but I didn't know where it is sorry but the jaws and bones are there. Bye

  5. Hey Zman it is Cade. I realy liked the blog it had so much good facts in it. Well I have to go bye.
