Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beauty of Minnesota

I have amazing facts about Minnesota!  Are you ready?  Okay then lets learn.  Minnesota is filled with 10,000 of lakes.  I bet it took months to count that many lakes!  That would be hard too remember witch number your on.  But were not going to talk about that the hole time are we?  Minnesota is called the..."The Land of 10,000 Lakes."  I would call it too many lakes state.  Funny huh.  Anyway Minnesota is beautiful with a lot of natural places.  There's one fact that I know that isn't in the book. Want to here it?  Of course you do.  Minnesota in the summer always don't go together  much because there is a lot of tornadoes in Minnesota each year.  That's scary.  Anyway Minnesota is called Minnesota because of the Minnesota Lake.  Did you know that Minnesota means cloudy or milky water?  Minnesota has a big farm community.  Also when they mean big they mean big.  There is also a mining and manufacturing is big there.  Well farming is bigger then those two.  Well time to hit the road bye.

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