Monday, October 11, 2010


What's up I am back to teach you  about octopuses and what they have in their body's and what they don't have in their body's.  An octopus  doesn't have any bones to give it shape.  If I had an octopus I would call him Mr. Squishy because he doesn't have any bones and stuff.  Octopuses  have a loose body like a flabby bag.  It's hard to know what an octopus really looks like, because  it's shape depends upon what it is doing.  Man you scientists need to work on finding a normal shape for an octopus not trying to be mean or anything and if it hurt your feelings scientists I am sorry.  An octopus has eight legs or arms I don't know the book doesn't tell anyway they are called tentacles for crawling like a baby and picking up things.  A short tube called funnel sticks out of the octopus's body.  It's not a funnel cake like at adventure land even though their good but it isn't what were talking about.  When a octopus wants to move fast, it fills its body with water  and squirts it out to move.  I want to try something like that oh ya I remember we use are legs.  A hungry octopus stretches  it's tentacles out in all directions.  I have to disagree  it means it wants to break dance I just made it up. Well got to go so bye.

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