Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My sledding party at cub scouts

Hey sup.  I'm going to blog about my sledding party at cub scouts. Before I went my mom wanted me to stay warm so she said to wear long johns.  So I decided to get them on already, and then I got my snow pants on and all that stuff.  Then we went I got to excited when the people came so I jumped out of the car, and messed around.  Until they said to get your sled, and go to the mountain.  We went to the biggest one which we don't know what it's name is, but we needed to sled down it first, and it looked awesome, but a long way up.  There were a lot of wipe outs, but they were okay.  Including me.  Jon and Noah had the worst wipe out Noah flipped 3 times in a row Jon got hurt the most he says that his back still hurts.  Also I got to ride a snowboard Thanks to Reed and his brother Austin.  Austin made me try his beginner board and it didn't go so well.  Then tried again did a little better.  Then tried one more time, and almost went down the whole hill then wiped out.  then I had to go and I didn't like the idea, but I had to.  That's my blog and that's the sledding party.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! part 1 out of 2

Hey guys what up, the sky am I right.  Anyways I'm blogging about my favorite TV show!!!  It's called Naruto!  Also Naruto Shippuden but that's the next blog.  Naruto is about a boy that has the spirit of the nine tailed fox in his chakra.  Also that he grew up with no parents because they risked their own lives for their own child.  Wait I forgot to tell you what chakra is!  Chakra is the source that makes jutsus, and that it has impeccable strength in the jutsu if you focus enough.  Well that's all the important stuff you need to know that makes you kinda like it.  Now to know some of Naruto's friends FYI their all japanese  Shikimaru Nara, Shino Aburane, Hinta Hyuga, Negi Hyuga, Kiba and Akumaru.  Anyways he is taught by 2 senseis.  Kakashi as squad 7 with his comrades Sakura,Kakashi, and Saskue.  Also the other one is Jiriaya sensei he is the one who taught the rasengan.  Anyways one of the worst tragedies in the Naruto not in Naruto Shippuden, but Saskue left the Hidden leaf village, and went to Orochimaru's place, and trained with him.  Since that day he has been searching for him for a long time, and has been training a lot.  Also that takes us to the next part where Naruto turns into a hero.  Well hope you're excited bye.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning BLOG

I learned how to use pronouns and antecedents.  Pronouns are I, you, me, it, she, her, he, him, them, they, us, we, and that's all.  They also take place of a noun or an antecedent.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Mortal Kombat Theme Song

WAHYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, Hey hows it going I was just in the competition called, "MORTAL KOMBAT!"  If you think the spelling is wrong for say the computer, but that is how it is spelled in the game and movies.  The competition is about strong fighters that come and face each other and battle to the death.  Also who ever loses the master takes their soul!  So I better keep winning or else I am doomed in till Ryu comes I'll be saved from the evil person forever and my soul will take my soul.  See you around I'm facing the champion come on Ryu!!!!