Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New book that I'm going to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey people I'm talking to you today about the new book I'm going to be reading in 1 week!  It looks really good and has 148 pages, which has a lot of words.  I assume that it would be good so I'm going for it.  So I will give you at least 2 blogs per week like this one.  Be ready followers I'm coming for ya.  In the cover it seems that two teenage boys from Chicago goes in an airplane and takes an adventure through other places than comes back to tell about the trip at their place.  Well bye

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Matilda extra chapter 21 by me!!!!

Chapter 21 The Relatives
 "Miss Honey?"  Matilda said "Do you have any more relatives that you hated?"  "Yes I do,"  said Miss Honey, "My uncle was horrible to me like my aunt."  "What happened to him?"  Matilda asked.   "Well I bet he still is alive, but his name was Martin."  Miss Honey said.  "Oh really,"  Matilda said, "I never thought anyone else in your family hated you, because your such a nice person."  So Matilda and Miss Honey traveled back to the house and some tea as a family.  "Miss Honey?"  said Matilda, "you look pretty down what seems to be the matter?"  "It's just that all my relatives hated me except my parents."  she said.  "I just don't get it,"  Matilda said, ''how can people have such a horrible life when they are so nice?"  "Well, their was at least 1 person who respected me as my self." Miss Honey said.  "My cousin, Vernon was really nice to me as ever before."  she said.   "Well at least 1 will work, and don't forget me."  Matilda said.  Bye

Monday, April 18, 2011

Matilda blog 1 week 2 9-16

Hey guys, big news!  I'm almost done with the book, and it's getting really good!  So, I'm going to tell you about what has happened so far.  1st Matilda and Lavender meets a 10 year old girl named Hortensia that knows a lot about about Miss Trunchbull.  She said that she has a closet that has spikes and glass everywhere.  She also says that she won a gold medal in hammer throw.  So after they learned about Miss Trunchbull, Miss Trunchbull had every kid in school come to the gym.  They saw a person named Bruce Bogtrotter come up to the stage and stood there quietly.  Miss Trunchbull said to Bruce that he could have the cake that he had took in a piece out of it.  So, she said to eat every last bit of the cake.  So, he did.  After that he went to the classroom to take their weekly test.  But when the children went to the classroom that Friday they weren't very happy anymore.  A lot of people got hurt by her.  Then when she poured a glass of water in a salamander came into the cup, that Lavender put in.  She got mad at Matilda because she thought that she did it.  So, she got mad at the Trunchbull and tipped over a glass of water on Miss Trunchbull.  After that she noticed that she has a power to move things with her eyes.  Bye now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Matilda blog 2 chapters 4-9

Hey this is mainly going to be like the blog before, but this has more chapters.  Anyway, Matilda goes to the living room to eat.  Her dad says that he made a lot of money for cars, and he told his 10 year old son to find the sum of his money that he already found and see that if he gets it right.  Also so he can be in awe.  So the son says it's a lot of sums to add up, but then Matilda says it then the father got really mad and called her names.  So Matilda mixes her moms hair gel with his to make his hair platinum-blond that could be hard to get off.  So after that she finally goes to school, and she gets a lot of attention from her classmates, including her teacher!  So when they leave Miss Honey or people call her Jenny goes to Miss Trunchbull and talks.  They started to talk about Matilda and Miss Trunchbull said that she must be awful in her class.  Miss Honey tried to say something without being interrupted by her but she never did.  So she got a little angry at her and decided to go with it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Matilda chapters 1-4

Hi everybody, I'm telling you about a book that I'm reading called "Matilda!"  I've already seen the movie, but you know what they say the book is better than the book.  So mainly it's the same, but I don't remember all the stuff in the movie.  But also it is a good way to remember the story.  So right now Matilda just did a huge prank in the book with a parrot.  She has a friend named Fred that has a parrot, so she put it in her chimney and it scared them a lot.  P.S. they thought it was a burglar at first then they said it was a ghost.  So far it hasn't gotten to the good part in the book.  But I still like my memory refreshed before all the fun stuff happens.  Hope you would want to read the book, BYE.