Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Matilda chapters 1-4

Hi everybody, I'm telling you about a book that I'm reading called "Matilda!"  I've already seen the movie, but you know what they say the book is better than the book.  So mainly it's the same, but I don't remember all the stuff in the movie.  But also it is a good way to remember the story.  So right now Matilda just did a huge prank in the book with a parrot.  She has a friend named Fred that has a parrot, so she put it in her chimney and it scared them a lot.  P.S. they thought it was a burglar at first then they said it was a ghost.  So far it hasn't gotten to the good part in the book.  But I still like my memory refreshed before all the fun stuff happens.  Hope you would want to read the book, BYE.

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