Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Matilda blog 2 chapters 4-9

Hey this is mainly going to be like the blog before, but this has more chapters.  Anyway, Matilda goes to the living room to eat.  Her dad says that he made a lot of money for cars, and he told his 10 year old son to find the sum of his money that he already found and see that if he gets it right.  Also so he can be in awe.  So the son says it's a lot of sums to add up, but then Matilda says it then the father got really mad and called her names.  So Matilda mixes her moms hair gel with his to make his hair platinum-blond that could be hard to get off.  So after that she finally goes to school, and she gets a lot of attention from her classmates, including her teacher!  So when they leave Miss Honey or people call her Jenny goes to Miss Trunchbull and talks.  They started to talk about Matilda and Miss Trunchbull said that she must be awful in her class.  Miss Honey tried to say something without being interrupted by her but she never did.  So she got a little angry at her and decided to go with it.

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