Friday, October 29, 2010

Eddie Van Halen - Eruption

  Hey guys this is one of my favorite bands in the world it's number 1 in my top 5 in the world!  I'll tell you about the band VAN HALEN!  I'll tell you about the most best guitarist in history even though people are better than him  anyways his name is Eddie!!!!!!!!!!   I don't know his last name well I will look while I blog about him like now.  Ah ha!  Found it Eddie Van Halen.   Okay I'll start giving you the facts.  They started out with ground breaking music that turned the world to rock and roll.  Like Eruption the song the video that I put up listen to it and you will want to listen to it over and over again.  But there are more that I like but we'll stop talking about songs now shall we.  Edward has been the guitarist since the band started and he still isn't giving up yet.  Now I want guitar lessons from him he's awesome with his fingers.  but every time a new singer or drummer or bass guitarist came it took him a wile to hang out and get to know them.  Did you know that Eddie taught himself to play the guitar?   Also  he invented something on the guitar which I think is awesome he invented tapping on the guitar isn't it awesome.  If your a electric guitarist you should try tapping on the string but you have to tap hard on the string.  If you know that the band has had a big success in their life time in the band.  They have sold 80 million albums worldwide in our nation isn't that cool to have that many albums sold and have that many fans!  During the 1980's they also had more Billboard hot 100 hits than any other hard rock or heavy metal band.  According to the Recording Industry Association of America.  Now for the songs they play Hot for Teacher, Eruption, You Really Got Me, Spanish Fly Guitar.  Well that's all I have bye.

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What I learned this week

What I learned this week was singular and plural possessive nouns that shows ownership.  A singular possessive noun has a 's to it if it is singular and, if it is a plural possessive noun you just add a ' and a 's.  Also you are probably confused right now because you're saying in your head "Why both?"  Both because you know how I made a blog about irregular nouns and that fish, sheep, and shrimp.   Since they don't have a s at the end and is still plural you add 's. Does that make sense  to you whoever is reading this blog? It better or you'll have to read it over again and if it still doesn't make sense to you then you should learn it in school.   Well hope you like this blog see ya.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School Board Agrees To Change Dress Code - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

School Board Agrees To Change Dress Code - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Well if you are reading  this blog you heard about the dress code in Des Moines.  I don't know if I agree to the situation  in Des Moines because they're a lot of good things about it and I a lot of bad things.  The good thing is that if people make fun of you because what you're wearing and the dress code comes in and it makes the kid wear the same clothing as you so you won't be make fun of you and that is good right for the kid who isn't being make fun of anymore.  I'm sorry if I made  you  not take a breath from that sentence then again I am sorry. And the bad thing is that you can't wear what they want to wear.  But still they're are a lot of things that include good/bad  also I don't have a feeling for the dress code to explain to you not trying to get outrageous or anything  but I will stop talking and end this blog so bye.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vertebrates Are Reptiles!

Yo I'm back are you happy?  You better be because I am going to make you learn about Reptiles and how they're vertebrates.  1st vertebrates  are things that have a  backbone.  Reptiles are vertebrates.  I bet you know other Reptiles but I bet you didn't know that dinosaurs and dragons are reptiles.  Did you know that?  If you did know I'll have to give you 5 bucks but it will take awhile  for me to hunt them down.  Got you ha ha ha ha!  Reptiles are cold blooded.  Cold blooded means body temperature changes with the temperature around them pretty cool huh.  A reptile doesn't have skin like we do they have dry, scaly skin.  My mom is scared of one reptile we have it in are backyard it's a snake!  She just hates them.  Most reptiles have 2 pairs of legs with 5 toes on each foot.  Just like us  but we have arms and not scaly skin. Well got to go bye!

Friday, October 22, 2010

What I learned this week

I learned about Vertebrates  and Irregular  nouns!  Irregular nouns are "fish, sheep, shrimp, and moose."  There are other Irregular nouns but I bet you know some others.  Also did you know that " fish, sheep, shrimp, deer, and moose" that if it has the word "a" right before the word "fish" it's singular?  Well Irregular nouns like the word the word "fish" it depends on the sentence.  "Oh!" I forgot  one thing "fish can be singular or plural."  I learned in science that a Reptile's, Amphibian's, Mammal's, and fish all have backbones.  They're Vertebrates.  They have backbones. Well half to hit the hay bye.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Our shark facts are a great to learn all about the great animal that is the shark.  There are many myths surrounding the shark that often contribute to the idea that sharks are extremely dangerous eating machines.  While certain shark species can be described as dangerous to man, the actual statistics of attacks, injuries and death might surprise you.

 Read on through our fascinating facts!

  •  Sharks have been here for 400 years - long before dinosaurs even existed.  
  •   Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet.  
  •  Sharks never run out of teeth - when one is lost another spins forward from the rows of back up teeth.    
  •   A shark may use 20,000 teeth in their entire life.   
  •   The Great White Shark rarely partakes in feeding frenzies.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What I learned this week

This week I learned about Singular, Plural, and Irregular nouns.  A Singular noun means single (or one.)  It also has single in it.  A Plural noun means more than one like puppies, moms, and dads.  Also some are tricky to spell. Like for es  are endings  if the letters are ( sh, s, x, ch, e, z.)  Also if it ends in a consonant y you replace the y to i and es.  And if  it ends in a voul y you add a s.  When I was blogging one day I couldn't spell tries right then I remembered about what I learned and I spelled it, t-r-i-e-s tries and I had no worries .  I also learned  about the Chili Miners and what happened to them.  33 miners were stuck in a half a mile hole underground!  The happy part is that they all survived!  Wouldn't it be scary that far underground for 69 days?  Back to the blog I learned about elapsed time also if the beginning has more minutes  than the the second one you take away 1 hour than get the minutes in the 1st one to the second one that's a little confusing to you I bet if it does  give me  20 bucks.   I'm just kidding that's all I learned this week bye.

Monday, October 11, 2010


What's up I am back to teach you  about octopuses and what they have in their body's and what they don't have in their body's.  An octopus  doesn't have any bones to give it shape.  If I had an octopus I would call him Mr. Squishy because he doesn't have any bones and stuff.  Octopuses  have a loose body like a flabby bag.  It's hard to know what an octopus really looks like, because  it's shape depends upon what it is doing.  Man you scientists need to work on finding a normal shape for an octopus not trying to be mean or anything and if it hurt your feelings scientists I am sorry.  An octopus has eight legs or arms I don't know the book doesn't tell anyway they are called tentacles for crawling like a baby and picking up things.  A short tube called funnel sticks out of the octopus's body.  It's not a funnel cake like at adventure land even though their good but it isn't what were talking about.  When a octopus wants to move fast, it fills its body with water  and squirts it out to move.  I want to try something like that oh ya I remember we use are legs.  A hungry octopus stretches  it's tentacles out in all directions.  I have to disagree  it means it wants to break dance I just made it up. Well got to go so bye.