Thursday, October 21, 2010


Our shark facts are a great to learn all about the great animal that is the shark.  There are many myths surrounding the shark that often contribute to the idea that sharks are extremely dangerous eating machines.  While certain shark species can be described as dangerous to man, the actual statistics of attacks, injuries and death might surprise you.

 Read on through our fascinating facts!

  •  Sharks have been here for 400 years - long before dinosaurs even existed.  
  •   Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet.  
  •  Sharks never run out of teeth - when one is lost another spins forward from the rows of back up teeth.    
  •   A shark may use 20,000 teeth in their entire life.   
  •   The Great White Shark rarely partakes in feeding frenzies.


  1. Did you know that sharks help us they eat sick fish and sharks don't kill people because they take a bite and if they don't want it they leave it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I never know that a shark may use 20,000 in their entire life that is some go facts.
