Monday, October 25, 2010

Vertebrates Are Reptiles!

Yo I'm back are you happy?  You better be because I am going to make you learn about Reptiles and how they're vertebrates.  1st vertebrates  are things that have a  backbone.  Reptiles are vertebrates.  I bet you know other Reptiles but I bet you didn't know that dinosaurs and dragons are reptiles.  Did you know that?  If you did know I'll have to give you 5 bucks but it will take awhile  for me to hunt them down.  Got you ha ha ha ha!  Reptiles are cold blooded.  Cold blooded means body temperature changes with the temperature around them pretty cool huh.  A reptile doesn't have skin like we do they have dry, scaly skin.  My mom is scared of one reptile we have it in are backyard it's a snake!  She just hates them.  Most reptiles have 2 pairs of legs with 5 toes on each foot.  Just like us  but we have arms and not scaly skin. Well got to go bye!


  1. Awesome!!!!!!! your right i didn't know dinasours are reptiles that's so cool!!! well i would never knew this if it wasn't for you!

  2. sorry Zack but the answer was...... all the colors but nice try
