Friday, October 15, 2010

What I learned this week

This week I learned about Singular, Plural, and Irregular nouns.  A Singular noun means single (or one.)  It also has single in it.  A Plural noun means more than one like puppies, moms, and dads.  Also some are tricky to spell. Like for es  are endings  if the letters are ( sh, s, x, ch, e, z.)  Also if it ends in a consonant y you replace the y to i and es.  And if  it ends in a voul y you add a s.  When I was blogging one day I couldn't spell tries right then I remembered about what I learned and I spelled it, t-r-i-e-s tries and I had no worries .  I also learned  about the Chili Miners and what happened to them.  33 miners were stuck in a half a mile hole underground!  The happy part is that they all survived!  Wouldn't it be scary that far underground for 69 days?  Back to the blog I learned about elapsed time also if the beginning has more minutes  than the the second one you take away 1 hour than get the minutes in the 1st one to the second one that's a little confusing to you I bet if it does  give me  20 bucks.   I'm just kidding that's all I learned this week bye.

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