Monday, November 29, 2010


 Hey I'm back and about to tell you about a Greek animal and other mythology's anyway it's called the "Griffin".  Griffins are a mythical creature half eagle and  half lion the Greeks decided to call it a Griffin.  People say that a Griffin shoots fire balls out of their mouths that I can't agree with that at all because they only have the ability to fly because other Greeks made it to only fly not to breath fire that  could kill their village.  People say it would be good if Griffins were still in our time again I disagree because they will eat you if they don't have any food.  People say that their would be sirens would go off if they were coming.  No!!!!!!  Imagine campers they wouldn't be safe no one would be safe outside!!!!!!!   You would have to live your life inside a house.  Well I'm going nuts  bye.

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