Monday, November 29, 2010

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver

Hey what's up the sky of course anyways I am going to tell you one of my favorite video game characters Sonic, Shadow, and Silver!!!!!!!!!!!  They're are awesome in my circumstances but you not so much.  Do you know that new Sonic game that just came out called "Sonic Colors" It sounds awesome for Sonic lovers like me.  If you haven't known that.  I'm going crazy over Sonic.  Sonic was made by a game company called "Sega" they made a good game they made about a hedgehog beating up a doctor that looks like an egg. 
Sonic was made by the game center called "Sega" and  they did a good choice of a hedgehog beating up a evil doctor that looks like an egg, and that he's capturing poorles animals that don't know how to do anything except panic in horror.  And that Sonic helps the poorles animals and risks his own life for them.  That is my opinion about the game sonic I actually have an Xbox 360  at my dads, and I even have a game about Sonic.  It's called  "Sonic the Hedgehog".  Most of the games are called Sonic the hedgehog.  Well hope you like the blog see ya.

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