Monday, November 22, 2010


Hi Zach here I'm about to tell you about Thanksgiving okay.  First things first thanksgiving isn't about getting all chubby and devouring the thanksgiving dinner.  It's about giving thanks for what we have and stuff.  Like I'm almost thankful for everything because it can help you in certain ways.  Thanksgiving to me is about giving thanks for the old people back then who invented stuff.  Like bathrooms, video games,  DVD's, and electricity.  Wait also refrigerator because it stores your food, drinks, and treats.  I'm really thankful for the refrigerator because like I said before it stores your food, drinks, and treats.  I usually  spend  my thanksgiving with two families  one with Grandma Sarah and one with Grandma Barb.  Thanksgiving means to me is about being thankful for what I have.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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